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Linda Gregerson | United States
Johan Sandberg McGuinne | ssr电脑版下载
Indrė Valantinaitė | Lithuania
Daniel Bencomo | Mexico
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Ilya Kaminsky | United States
Sandra Burkhardt | Germany
Marius Marcinkevičius | Lithuania
Sigbjørn Skåden | Norway
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Ronya Othmann | Germany

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Wisława Szymborska
Galaktion Tabidze
Liljana Dirjan
Mascha Kaléko

Wisława Szymborska
Galaktion Tabidze
Liljana Dirjan
Mascha Kaléko

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Normally, every summer Berlin is transformed for seven days into a temple of poetry.
This year, the festival for the first time in its 21-years-long history takes place online. Nearly the whole festival content as originally planned could be transferred into digital event formats, which have been pre-produced carefully and, if possible, been supplemented by live formats that usually follow the streaming. Find everything here:  poesiefestival.org
     One of many highlights :vpn与ss/ssr的区别-思源资源网:2 天前 · ssr:在ss作者被品茗之后,github上泛起了一个叫breakwa11(破娃)的帐号,声称ss容易被防火墙检测到,众是在混淆和协议方面做了改善,加倍不容易被检测到,而且兼容ss,改善后的项目叫shadowsocks-R,简称ssr,然后ss用户和ssr用户自然分成了两个

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Here is a list of lyrikline poets which we present together with video portaits or other film documents >>>

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Find here a list of lyrikline poems with embedded videos or performances >>>

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Overview of past activities and cooperations:


1455 poets
13076 poems
88 languages
19948 translations

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Birthday of
Gerard Smyth
* 03.08.1951

Gerard Smyth

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Call for entries for the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival 2024

Lyrikline Hör-Lounge #3 (10/2024)

Lyrikline Hör-Lounge #2 (05/2024)

Lyrikline Hör-Lounge #1 (02/2024)

Call for Poems/Prose Poems on Resistance and Displacement

Jorge Kanese – vorgestellt von seinem Übersetzer Léonce W. Lupette

World Poetry Day and an Open Call from Belgium

Poetry from India

Corresponding Texts – Translation as a Call and Response

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Discover what others have found, and share your own personal discoveries. [Werde Teil der Gemeinde. Entdecke, was andere gefunden haben, und teile, was dir gefällt.] more

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the public playlists of our community members and the team [Hier finden sich alle öffentlichen Listen] more

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Ever listened to…?

Hile Fiona
A Portable Crush (english)
